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Outlook Calendar Gadget Windows 7 Download

Last reviewed on March 18, 2018   17 Comments

Applies to: Outlook 2010

These gadgets are no longer available from Microsoft's Gadget Gallery. In a quick test, moving gadgets from one computer to another works (nothing is installed in the registry or elsewhere.) This means if you have a computer with a gadget installed, you can copy the gadget folder to other computers.

The gadgets are at %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\. If you don't have a copy on another computer, you can download the MiniInbox, OutlookAppointmentsGadget, and OutlookTasksGadget below. You'll need to unzip them into the Gadget folder. These files were edited to work with all versions of Outlook. Please note: These are the only gadgets I have.

Appointment gadget for Windows 7I didn't think anyone used the Outlook gadgets as they tended to cause issues with Outlook closing properly, but apparently a few people do use them.

The existing Windows gadgets for Outlook won't work with Outlook 2010 because they are looking for Outlook 2007. Until Microsoft releases updated gadgets, you can edit the gadget's script to work with Outlook 2010. (Gadgets are one of the few programs that will work with the Outlook 2010 64-bit.)

After installing the gadget, go to this local appdata folder: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\[Outlook_gadget]\en-US\js\

You can get to the folder, by pasting the following line into the address bar of Windows Explorer and pressing enter, then browsing to the subfolder: %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\

Locate and open outlook.vbs in Notepad and either remove the version checking lines or change all instances of 12 to 14:

if value = "Outlook.Application.12" then


if mid(versionString, 1, 2) <> "12" then

Editing the vbs also allows the gadgets to work with older versions of Outlook.

Outlook Upcoming Appointment Gadget

This gadget is no longer available from the Gadget Gallery. If you have a computer with a gadget installed, you can copy the gadget folder to other computers. Or download the OutlookAppointmentsGadget gadget, includes the edited file. Unzip and into the Gadget folder.

After removing the version check from Outlook Upcoming Appointments the section of code will resemble this code snippet:

function CheckOutlookVersion() on error resume next Dim wshShell Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")  dim value value = wshShell.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Outlook.Application\CurVer\")  CheckOutlookVersion = true  set wshShell = nothing end function  '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '' '' Opens a connection to the Outlook object model. Returns true if successful '' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' function ConnectToOutlook() on error resume next Set outlookApplication = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") if outlookApplication is Nothing then outlookFailed = true ConnectToOutlook = false else  outlookFailed = false ConnectToOutlook = true  end if end function

Download the edited script to use with an existing gadget install: OutlookAppointmentsGadget vbs

Outlook Tasks Gadget

Task GadgetThis gadget is no longer available from the Gadget Gallery. If you have a computer with a gadget installed, you can copy the gadget folder to other computers.

The gadgets are at %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\

If you don't have a copy on another computer, you can download OutlookTasksGadget and unzip it into the Gadget folder. This file was edited to work with all versions of Outlook.

If you have this gadget but need to make it work with Outlook 2010, edit the outlook.vbs file for Outlook Tasks in notepad in the same manner as for the Appointments gadget (instructions above) or download the edited script: OutlookTasksGadget.vbs and replace the outlook.vbs with the edited copy.

MiniInbox Gadget

Mininbox GadgetThis gadget is no longer available in the Gadget Gallery. If you have a computer with the gadget installed, you can copy the gadget folder to other computers. Gadgets are at

%localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\

If you don't have a copy on another computer, you can download the MiniInbox gadget and unzip it into the Gadget folder. This file was edited to work with all versions of Outlook.


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